It is essential that global companies really understand cross-cultural business communications and strategies. We at East West Interface (EWI) help you understand the differences in the ways different cultures communicate and perceive the world around them so you can build up a solid understanding of the impact different cultural dimensions have on crucial business areas including Strategic Communications, Market Entry, Cross-cultural Team Work, Staff Training and Business Development.
Examples of different cultural dimensions:
Negotiations and differences in conflict responses
Direct versus indirect communications-the difference between high context cultures (Asian countries, Middle East) and low context cultures (US, West Europe)
Relationship based versus task-based cultures-how this affects contracts, getting buy-in and long-term trust
Individualism versus collectivism-how this plays out in key business areas (recruitment, staff retention, group work, leadership)
Verbal versus non-verbal communications
Decision-making-how it works across cultures (fact versus trust, top-down versus consensus)
Business customs and etiquette-beliefs and values